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Police rescue a nine-year-old girl about to meet a registered paedophile in a park near her house. She spoke to him on Instagram a year before and told him she had a dog 'Snowy'. A year later, he came back and tricked her into meeting him by asking her, 'How is Snowy'? Luckily her mum intervened and rang the police.
Popular tags: social media, parental control, internet safety for kids
Practical steps for kids under 4 years of age. They may not have a phone, but they know how to use them. Here are some great tips, tricks for managing them. Games, In-App purchasing, Microphones.
Popular tags: parental control, gaming, internet safety for kids, online safety
Cyberbullying is an enormous problem for schools, students and parents alike. Social Media and gaming platforms must be used properly and positively. Social Media portals are not bushes to hide behind and used as grenades to hurt other kids.
Popular tags: cyberbullying, social media, internet safety for kids, gaming, internet safety talks
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