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Discord, a popular instant messaging service among gamers, gets the IST treatment. Discord was founded in 2015 by two video gamers and now has 140 million monthly active users. Users are drawn to the site because of the emphasis on live chat, messages, and community development. There is no advertising, no forced feed, and no algorithms.
Popular tags: discord, social media, internet safety for kids, gaming,
Police rescue a nine-year-old girl about to meet a registered paedophile in a park near her house. She spoke to him on Instagram a year before and told him she had a dog 'Snowy'. A year later, he came back and tricked her into meeting him by asking her, 'How is Snowy'? Luckily her mum intervened and rang the police.
Popular tags: social media, parental control, internet safety for kids
YouTube is the 2nd most popular site on the internet. Here's an updated 2021 review on keeping your kids safe on YouTube, including a Restricted Mode and YouTube for kids. Are they good enough o keep off the aggressive new Google algorithms shoving recommendations and adverts at you.
Popular tags: social media, Youtube, Youtube for kids,
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